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Collagen Induction Therapies

Collagen is the building block of our skin and skin health is determined by its smoothness, firmness and elasticity. The simplest and most natural treatment to repair and stimulate collagen production is micro needling, popularly known as collagen induction therapy(CIT) As the name itself suggests, it produces collagen in the skin that helps to improve acne scars, open pores, stretch marks, fine line and wrinkles and to achieve smoother, firmer, more toned and younger looking skin.
It can be done with the help of a motorised device known as derma pen os a hand held instrument with tiny needles popularly known as derma roller. These tools create multiple superficial puncture wounds in the skin. These micro injuries in the upper dermis trigger wound healing cascade that involves influx of multiple growth factors in the area. This in turn increases the invasion of fibroblasts which are the primary cells producing collagen and elastin.
Skin microneedling enhances skin permeability and increases the absorption of products, serums and topical agents so we recommend to combine CIT with infusion of meso solutions.
Usually 6-8 sessions are recommended once in two to three weeks.
We apply a topical anaesthetic cream to make the procedure very comfortable for you.
There are no side effects at all except mild redness on face which is temporary and completely resolves with in few hours to two days.
- The increased production of collagen and elastin helps in:
- Reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,
- Improves overall texture and reduces open pores,
- Reduce the appearance of acne scars/ stretch marks
- Reduces pigmentation and cause overall firming of the skin giving it a more smoother look and radiant glow.